Cloud computing is a part of the changing spectrum in healthcare. For pharma companies, the uptake of new technologies tends to be a slow step in the industry. Yet the last two years have drastically changed this way of being in the sector. The cloud has become a flexible solution for pharma companies in more than one sense, and today we’ll show you why.
Many pharma companies realized the potential of digital technologies thanks to COVID-19. The last two years were spent exploring the potential of these tools in their work. Cloud computing is one of those elements that truly left a mark.
More than a mere storage solution, cloud computing in pharma is seen as a solution to a wide range of matters. Topics such as compliance, privacy, and security are part of the list of advantages of this technology.
What’s there about cloud computing that brings an array of advantages to pharma? Let’s find out about the following topics.
The benefits of cloud computing in healthcare
1. It provides support for pharma’s marketing actions
Many pharma companies are taking advantage of technology to enhance and personalize patient engagement. And to further lower costs. Cloud computing, then, comes off as a great advantage for a lot of companies.
For several marketers, this solution allows them to function more efficiently regardless of their location. Not only that, but in regards to data access, maximizing cost efficiency, and improving communication. All in all, this technology fits like a glove for pharma.
So, through the use of cloud technology, companies in the field will personalize patient engagement and lower costs to tap into new markets. As a result, past boundaries will be demolished thanks to this innovation.
2. The cloud enables a common platform for work
If there’s something that the pandemic helped many sectors understand, it was the weight of healthcare’s globalization. Pharmaceutical companies work with a wide variety of partners, which include biotech and research companies located in several different countries.
With the aid of cloud computing, there’s a chance to create a streamlined platform that promotes easy collaboration. All of these companies will be informed in real time of relevant information from each other.
In regards to partnerships in the discovery and creation of new drugs, pharma can also gain a lot here. Through a cloud platform, each company can keep its own independent data safe while sharing essential insights with its partners.
3. It helps in the optimization of the drug discovery process
Researching and developing a single drug is a process that can take many years. Cloud computing can be an ally in this process by helping researchers access virtually unlimited storage. Not only that, the features of this technology can help in organizing resources and guiding surveys.
Several pieces of data, including imagery and statistics, can be accessed as soon as they are shared in the system. By combining this with the potential of AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning), many processes can be sped up.
4. It ensures safe data sharing during clinical trials
The days in which clinical research and clinical trials were driven by paper are becoming extinct. Nowadays, the new model seems to be walking towards a more electronic fashion with the trend of wearables.
Researchers are allowing elements such as smartwatches to collect valuable data directly from patients. This evolving model will surely have an impact on the way clinical trials work currently.
There’s potential to be explored by aligning clinical trials with cloud computing. Having one platform through which any relevant information on a trial is received in real-time will speed up the time taken in these procedures.
Researchers will also be able to analyze detailed data at a granular level, obtaining more relevant and accurate results. Cloud computing will provide them with the essentials, which will optimize a wide range of processes.
5. It assures the security of valuable and private data
One of the main reasons why, before, pharmaceutical companies were skeptical about cloud computing had to do with security. However, thanks to technological advancements, this issue has vastly improved on many platforms.
There are many data elements when it comes to the information that pharma companies have. Details such as patient information, sales tracking, contacts, and other relevant content need to be protected through a modern security system.
Cloud computing platforms encrypt valuable data that needs to be transmitted over networks and placed in databases. This detail will keep hackers away from accessing the data and cut access to any internal members of the workforce who don’t have access to it.
6. It’s useful if a team is very mobile
For pharma companies, adopting cloud computing technologies into their work spectrum poses advantages, regardless of location. Nowadays, mobile phones are used for more features than just a simple text or phone call.
Using cloud computing, employees can access the information they need no matter their location. In teams that travel frequently or work remotely, this comes off as a great opportunity to be flexible and practical.
Stored data can be accessed from anywhere in the world and through any type of device. No longer do people have to be in an office to access important data for their work.
7. Even people outside of an organization can access information
One of the main advantages related to cloud computing technology has to do with the possibility of sharing specific information with people outside of a company. In that sense, there are more possibilities that pharma can explore from here.
Important target audiences, such as patients, physicians, and caregivers, are receiving information through their computers and mobile phones. Using cloud technologies, the information shared by a company can be easily accessed by these “outsiders.”
Sales reps in pharma are already using cloud-based technologies to interact and share information with HCPs and other relevant stakeholders. Patients are using specific portals to gain access to their health status and keep in touch with their doctors. Apps are beginning to have a prevalent role in health maintenance and investigation.
Cloud computing technologies have evolved in ways that weren’t imaginable 10 years ago. Within the pharmaceutical industry, this market is predicted to grow a great deal. In the meantime, issues such as security or regulatory terms will slowly be settled to take in these technologies as common practice.
The future in pharma will be data and patient-driven, which is why the adoption of AI and big data analytics will be a wise move by companies in the present day.
Cloud computing is becoming a commonplace practice for pharma. This is a part of the optimized reality that we are entering thanks to technology.
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